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  1. One of the requirements for an undergraduate session at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Gunadarma, is to have taken and passed an aptitude test
  2. The aptitude test is carried out directly by the Universitas Gunadarma Aptitude Test Section under the auspices of the Lab. Universitas  Gunadarma Psychology
  3. During the pandemic, the aptitude test was carried out online using a mechanism determined by Universitas Gunadarma Aptitude Test Section
  4. Especially for regular students,The registration process and information on the aptitude test implementation schedule have been integrated into the system Studentsite each student.
  5. Especially for non-class students,You can contact email for the registration process and information on the aptitude test implementation schedule
  6. After receiving the aptitude test schedule, students must first log in to the website to be able to take the test and find out complete information regarding the schedule, informed consent, rules and uploading photos.
  7. Students are expected to read each test regulation that is listed on the website
  8. If you have questions regarding the aptitude test, students can contact via email