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Academic Leave

Academic Leave & Active Return

Returning Active Student Procedures

Procedures for submitting an active letter again to the Communication Science Study Program:

  1. Send student personal data containing:
    a. Name
    b. NPM
    c. Class
  2. Data is sent to the email with the subject Request to Be Active Again
  3. Please wait for an email reply from the study program. An active return application letter will be sent to each email.

Procedures for active management Return after receiving a letter of recommendation from the study program:

  1. You are required to be serious about studying, take/repeat every course in the non-active semester. Odd semester course repeats in odd semesters and Even semester course repeats in even semesters.
  2. Every student has a study period limit, please pay attention to it carefully and be serious about repeating lectures so that you can still catch up.
  3. The study program will provide 3 (three) copies of active study application letters addressed to the Head of Academic and Student Administration Bureau, Head of Finance, and Head of Academic System Center, Universitas Gunadarma. Please give these letters to the relevant departments, namely Academic and Student Administration Bureau (Campus D Loket 1-3), Finance Section (Campus D Loket 26-27) and Academic System Center (Campus E Building 1).
  4. Manage to be active again for odd/even semesters by first waiting for the current semester to finish. (The academic calendar can be seen on the page )
  5. The maximum time for leave/inactivity is 3 times.